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Diálogos II: Futuros posibles de las Humanidades Digitales en Cuba

Conferencia Internacional
21 al 24 de Noviembre 2023, La Habana, Cuba


El Proyecto Humboldt Digital (ProHD) y la Oficina del Historiador de la ciudad de La Habana, Cuba, tiene el placer de invitarles al evento Diálogos II: Futuros posibles de las Humanidades Digitales en Cuba que tendrá lugar entre el 21 y el 24 de Noviembre 2023 en el Centro Histórico de La Habana.

Este evento representa la clausura del Proyecto Humboldt Digital , un esfuerzo conjunto destinado a explorar y enriquecer la aplicación de las Humanidades Digitales en la investigación, la preservación del patrimonio cultural y la promoción del conocimiento en Cuba.

En un mundo cada vez más digital y conectado, es fundamental imaginar el futuro de las Humanidades Digitales en Cuba de manera participativa, creando comunidad y considerando las necesidades y condicionantes locales. Durante estos cuatro días, la conferencia busca fomentar un espacio de diálogo abierto y colaborativo donde los participantes puedan compartir experiencias, ideas y perspectivas, con el propósito de co-crear soluciones innovadoras y sostenibles para la aplicación de las Humanidades Digitales en el contexto cubano.

Invitamos a todes les interesades en las Humanidades Digitales a unirse a nosotres en este evento que marcará el cierre del Proyecto Humboldt Digital y el inicio de nuevos horizontes en la aplicación de la tecnología en la investigación y el estudio del patrimonio cultural cubano.

¡Tenemos mucha ilusión de esta oportunidad! “Futuros posibles de las Humanidades Digitales en Cuba”, donde juntes construiremos un futuro participativo, comunitario y localmente relevante para las Humanidades Digitales!

Building Digital Capacities through Collaboration. The case of Proyecto Humboldt Digital (Havana/Berlin)

From 10th to 14th July, Proyecto Humboldt Digital (ProHD) participated in the Digital Humanities 2023 conference in Graz (Austria), organized by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). The annual conference is aimed at digital humanities scholars and practitioners around the world.

ProHD fited well into the focus this year conference Collaboration as Opportunity. Because the project itself is a cooperation project between two institutions the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Germany) and the Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana (Cuba). Both teams were there to take part in the conference. If you want to read more about the experience in Graz, here is a post about the whole week in Graz. This post is about the presentation Prohd held at the conference.

At the conference, ProHD was part of the panel “Institutional Collaboration. Together with other two projects, ProHD team members Tobias Kraft, Antonio Rojas Castro and Grisel Terrón presented the paper: “Building Digital Capacities through Collaboration. The case of Proyecto Humboldt Digital (Havana/Berlin)“. The presentation introduced the project, focusing on the strategies for building digital capacitites through collaboration. The international collaboration, that this project brings with itself, has not been limited to carrying out a technical workflow but continuously organizes the exchange of research activities and experiences, and builds on a wide set of both internal (team oriented) and external (community oriented) training activities. Despite restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, short stays in both Havana and Berlin have taken place since 2019 as well as monthly meetings in virtual format; more recently, in 2022 an international DH conference and a workshop about digital scholarly editions took place in La Habana (Cuba) organized by the team members. During these encounters, we were able to define software requirements, present our main results, share the main issues and progress made in retrospect, and plan our following activities in order to publish online a collection of texts related to Alexander von Humboldt’s trip to Cuba in the 19th century.

ProHD would like to thank the conference organizers for the opportunity to participate in this interesting event!

Reyes Ríos, Daniela: “Building Digital Capacities through Collaboration. The case of Proyecto Humboldt Digital (Havana/Berlin)” in: Proyecto Humboldt Digital (ProHD), 09 /11/2023, URL: